Ozark Green Thumb BCMG Monthly e-Newsletter |
![]() Submit your photos for the 2021 MG Calendar Send your photos to: [email protected] Deadline to submit photos is June 15, 2020. Photos MUST be properly named in the JPEG format only to be accepted for consideration. You will have to rename the files in order to submit them.
You will have to rename each one of your photos. For example, the picture above would be renamed: MikeWilbanks, Craighead, Doubletrueblood, SP.jpeg (my name, county name, brief description, season photo submitted for, .jpeg) LANDSCAPE DIMENSION ONLY, PLEASE! PLEASE UNDERSTAND, if you do not properly name your photo(s), and adhere to the following conditions, they will not be sent to the selection committee for consideration. 1. Only four (4) entries per person (one per season). Meaning only one Winter (WI), one Spring (SP), one Summer (SU), and one Fall (FA) photo may be entered in the 2021 MG Calendar Contest. 2. All photos need be between 1 mb and 7 mb for the resolution to be good enough for full page reproduction by the offset printing method. 3. Photos must be sent as attachment(s) to email document. “Drag and Drop” files will not be accepted. 4. All photographs must have been taken inside the borders of the state of Arkansas. TIP: With today's ever improving photographic technology, using cell phones for photo submission might or might not generate the required resolution for large calendar images. However, they may be acceptable for the additional smaller shots that appear each month. If you have any questions, please contact me at any time. Thank you! Mike Wilbanks 870-530-0669 [email protected]
Advanced MG Class Vegetable Gardening Grow Your Food, Feed Your Soul Hosted by White County Master Gardener Program The Advanced MG Program is a product of County 76 Advanced Master Gardener Classes are open to Master Gardeners who have been in good standing in their county program for at least three (3) years. (since 2017) HOST COUNTY: White County WHEN: March 10, 2020 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. WHERE: White County Extension Office 2400 Old Searcy Landing Road Searcy, AR 72143 COST: $60.00 (includes lunch) REGISTRATION DEADLINE: March 2, 2020 Log on to Buddy Messages for registration information. The conference below is one of the program benefits of being a Master Gardener volunteer and is not open to the general public. Conference registration begins February 3, 2020 Craighead County Master Gardeners will be hosting the 2020 State MG Conference in Jonesboro, May 14-16, 2020, at the Embassy Suites Red Wolf Convention Center. Conference registration begins February 3, 2020. Take a moment to review the latest newsletter (see link below). January 2020 MG Conf Newsletter A BIG thank you to the following MG Programs that have donated to the 2020 MG Conference. Cleburne, Crittenden, Drew, Garland, Logan, Miller County Red Dirt MGs, Monroe, Pope, Pulaski, River Valley, Saline, Van Buren and Washington. - Craighead County MG Conference Planning Committee Mimi Cox, Conference Chair Karen Massey, Conference Co-chair Donna Tolewitzke, Conference Co-chair Mike Wilbanks, Newsletter Editor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Arkansas Master Gardener Program www.uaex.edu SAVE THE DATE! First Year Master Gardeners be sure to mark your calendar to attend an Annuals to Perennials program near you this summer! June 22 - Hope June 26 - Fayetteville July 11 - Batesville July 12- Little Rock More details will be available soon so don't miss out! RRR Project of County 76 (Recruitment, Retention & Recognition) Barbie Luther, Chair -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Arkansas Master Gardener Program www.uaex.edu Master Gardener Mondays
The MGM for August 2021 has been changed to August 23rd. Master Gardener Monday is a monthly Zoom session discussing Master Gardener and horticulture topics. It is open to all Master Gardeners and County Agents. MGM meetings are held ONLINE in ZOOM the third Monday of the month during the noon hour unless otherwise noted. The dates are posted in Buddy Messages and our e-Newsletter, Ozark Green Thumb. A link to access the ZOOM session will be sent in a Buddy Message the morning of the meeting. Check Buddy Messages for the link if you are not signed up on the list from uaex.edu Here are some aids to help you join a Zoom Meeting: Quick Tip sheet for Joining a Zoom Meeting Detailed Directions (by device) from the Zoom Help Center: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362283-How-Do-I-Join-or-Test-My-Computer-Device-Audio- |
April 2022