The Extension Office Gardens
onThe Extension Office is one of the smaller garden projects, but it is highly visible located at one of the major intersections in town. The garden is located at the intersection of 9th Street and Highway 62 W. It is one of the first things seen by visitors coming in to town from the west welcoming them to beautiful Mountain Home.
Planned and installed by the Class of 1999, the crape myrtles were dug from the property where Wal-Mart sits. Many other plants were donated by several members and the plan was quite different from what it is now. The focus for the redesign is to make it a simpler, less crowded garden requiring less maintenance. Many perennials have been added to the garden to add different variations of colors and textures. Our goal is to create an attractive garden that is easily maintained throughout the year. |
Directions to Go There
From Mountain Home
This project is located at Hwy. 5 South and US 62B in front of the Baxter County Sheriff's Office. It's best to park in the Old Police Department parking lot and walk down to the corner where the project is located. From Gassville Take Hwy. 62/412 towards Mountain Home. Once you get to Mountain Home stay on 62B until you reach Hwy. 5 South across from Baxter County Sheriff's Office. Turn right onto Hwy. 5 South and park in the first parking lot on your immediate left. Meeting Place Normally we meet in the Old Police Department parking lot. |