Duties Not in the Standing rules
Duties, Projects & Events Not Listed in the Standing Rules
The President, in addition to the duties stated in the by-laws, shall be informed and notified before publication of publicity pieces, brochures and all such communications with the general public and the membership. Additionally, the Publicity Chair, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster shall report directly to the President.
The Vice President of Membership, in addition to obtaining programs for member meetings, shall be responsible for:
The Vice President of Demonstration Gardens shall be responsible for:
The Vice President of Public Events & Outreach shall be responsible for:
The Secretary shall be responsible for:
The Treasurer shall be responsible for:
- The Publicity Chair shall make all contact with print and broadcast media and shall oversee the preparation of all fliers and BCMG promotional brochures for all areas of BCMGs
- The Newsletter Editor shall oversee the production and distribution of the newsletter. The newsletter shall be published and distributed on the BCMG website each month in advance of the regular meeting.
- The Webmaster shall construct and maintain BCMG’s website as directed by the President. The President and Webmaster can designate individuals to maintain portions of the website. The Webmaster shall utilize and maintain proper media storage and software to satisfy this status, within budgetary constraints. Changes to official documents and policies contained on the website must be approved by the President. Roster changes may be accomplished at the direction of the Secretary provided the President is copied on these directives.
The Vice President of Membership, in addition to obtaining programs for member meetings, shall be responsible for:
- New Member Recruitment/Mentoring - new member recruitment activities at public events, and shall also oversee new member mentoring activities.
- The Horticulture Table – coordination of all horticultural exhibits at the regular meetings and gardening seminar(s).
- Member Communications (Members Blog)
- Member Recognition/Retention - member recognition activities or awards nominations as well as member retention functions.
- Special Interest Groups – SIGs
- Garden Walks or tours
- Refreshments -l coordinating the refreshments activities at all monthly membership meetings including assignment of members to bring refreshments, set-up, preparation and kitchen clean-up, coordination of helpers, table décor or theme, etc
- Timekeeping - keeping records of all members’ volunteer service and re-certification hours and submitting quarterly reports to the 1st Vice President. Entering hours for members who have no computer access to the state web service. Assisting in the annual roster review function.
The Vice President of Demonstration Gardens shall be responsible for:
- All ongoing garden projects – recruiting project chairpersons and ensuring they are properly trained in their duties; assisting them in planning, ongoing coordination and evaluation of the projects. Assisting with documentation of project – such as landscape plan, listing of plants, website management of project page. Promoting the educational aspects to the public.
- One time garden projects
The Vice President of Public Events & Outreach shall be responsible for:
- The Spring Seminar - oversee and coordinate all sub-committees and activities associated with gardening seminar(s).
- Baxter County Fair Room and Booth – coordination of all BCMG fair duties – setting up, checking in horticulture and crop exhibits, maintaining an informational table for horticulture and Master Gardening questions.
- Youth Gardening - coordinating the activities associated with youth gardening projects.
- Plant Sale - coordinating all activities associated with the public plant sale
- Gregg’s Farm Expo - coordinating BCMG’s participation in the Gregg’s Farm Expo.
- Community Outreach - Community Assistance including answering requests for MG advice, speakers’ bureau, and participation at public events
The Secretary shall be responsible for:
- The Attendance Clerk shall coordinate sign-in table activities at meetings such as member attendance sign in, visitor badges, for or as an assistant to the Secretary.
- The Historian shall keep an archive of all documents and materials related to BCMG member activities and public events. The Historian shall store such documents in the BCMG files and storage areas at the Baxter County Extension Office.
- The Sunshine Chair shall send cards to members in times of illness, family member death, difficult situations, and congratulations as recommended by members.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for:
- The Property Clerk shall keep inventory of BCMG items stored at Extension office and shall keep a record and location of BCMG materials stored at other locations – as books, banners, tents, tablecloths; supplies used for public events, seminars, plant sales, Farmers market, Garden Booths, County Fair; supplies for projects; supplies for membership meetings, programs, refreshments, horticulture and raffle tables. It is the duty of members to notify the inventory clerk of any BCMG materials in their possession and to send email when and to whom any materials are transferred. This includes materials removed from BCMG inventory at Extension Office. Finally send email to inventory clerk when items are returned to eliminate time searching for needed items.