join us at our monthly meeting
Master Gardener's are a fun group of folks and enjoy sharing our love of gardening with any visitor. At our meetings, we have speakers, refreshments, & fun. The public is invited and encouraged to join us.
In addition to our primary speaker, there is also a short presentation by master gardeners on topics they wish to share. Also, master gardeners will answer any questions you might have about your gardens.
Normally, our meetings are held at the First Presbyterian Church in Mountain Home on most second Thursday's of the month. Schedule for our meetings so far is:
February 13
Daniel Baxley
Director, Mtn Home Parks & Recreation Department
March 13
Rose C. Gergerich, Master Naturalist
Professor Emeritus, Entomology and Plant Pathology
University of Arkansas
An Evolving Effort by Master Naturalists to Propagate and Disseminate Native Plants
April 10
Lauren Cannon
Bachelor of Science and Master of Education
Manager, Ponca Nature Center, AR Game and Fish Commission
Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases
The First Presbyterian Church, 1106 Spring Street, Mountain Home, AR